Once again, the Lord instructs that the Levites are to have no inheritance in the land, because the Lord is their inheritance, and the offerings of the people are to be given for the support of this entire tribe. Those who minister before the Lord should receive their support from the body of believers. Their attentions and time should not be split between serving as God called them and working a second job in order to provide for their family.
This chapter also addresses practices of the occult. It would be easy for many believers today to skim this thinking, "This doesn't apply to me." But our culture embraces this in a variety of ways, and believers are often caught up in it without realizing it. Horoscopes, TV shows about mediums, practicing meditation and yoga, and movies about the power of witchcraft are just a few of the ways the occult has become mainstream. There is a powerful allure to these forbidden practices as well as a hidden purpose. Occult practices undermine the worship and glory of God and lead those who practice them into increasing disregard for God's Word. Many Christians have been deceived into believing that practices like yoga and meditation are simply healthy exercises, but they are not. There are tons of articles from those who have escaped this practice and expose the realities behind it, but I found this one particularly helpful: http://www.theothersideofdarkness.com/yoga-occult/
There are many ways to exercise our bodies and care for this vessel God has provided, but we must not let the enemy deceive us into turning a good thing (health and fitness) into an opportunity for demons to exercise their power in our lives. As followers of Christ, no power can snatch us from His hand, but when we invite the enemy into our lives, he can wreak havoc on us and those we love.
As W. Brugh Joy, a medical-doctor-turned-Eastern guru, states, "Tapping these energies is fire, and the consequences… can be psychosis, aggravation of neuroses, acceleration of disease processes and suicide." (W. Brugh Joy, Joy’s Way (J.P.Tarcher, 1979), pp. 8-9.) Sadly, despite his recognition of these dangers, he continues his occult practices.
One of the key ways the occult undermines our worship of God is by teaching that we can attain a higher consciousness, greater awareness, or some mystical nirvana, apart from the One Creator God of the Universe. But Paul teaches in Galatians, "Even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!"
This chapter also addresses practices of the occult. It would be easy for many believers today to skim this thinking, "This doesn't apply to me." But our culture embraces this in a variety of ways, and believers are often caught up in it without realizing it. Horoscopes, TV shows about mediums, practicing meditation and yoga, and movies about the power of witchcraft are just a few of the ways the occult has become mainstream. There is a powerful allure to these forbidden practices as well as a hidden purpose. Occult practices undermine the worship and glory of God and lead those who practice them into increasing disregard for God's Word. Many Christians have been deceived into believing that practices like yoga and meditation are simply healthy exercises, but they are not. There are tons of articles from those who have escaped this practice and expose the realities behind it, but I found this one particularly helpful: http://www.theothersideofdarkness.com/yoga-occult/
There are many ways to exercise our bodies and care for this vessel God has provided, but we must not let the enemy deceive us into turning a good thing (health and fitness) into an opportunity for demons to exercise their power in our lives. As followers of Christ, no power can snatch us from His hand, but when we invite the enemy into our lives, he can wreak havoc on us and those we love.
As W. Brugh Joy, a medical-doctor-turned-Eastern guru, states, "Tapping these energies is fire, and the consequences… can be psychosis, aggravation of neuroses, acceleration of disease processes and suicide." (W. Brugh Joy, Joy’s Way (J.P.Tarcher, 1979), pp. 8-9.) Sadly, despite his recognition of these dangers, he continues his occult practices.
One of the key ways the occult undermines our worship of God is by teaching that we can attain a higher consciousness, greater awareness, or some mystical nirvana, apart from the One Creator God of the Universe. But Paul teaches in Galatians, "Even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!"