This is a hard chapter. It's hard to hear God's direct command to kill anyone who tried to tempt Israel to worship other gods. It's hard to hear that if a town has turned away, they should destroy the town, putting to death every living thing in the town. It's harsh and unforgiving. It's not like the "what a friend we have in Jesus" version of God we sing about.
But the reason that Jesus is so precious to us is because of what He has spared us from and what He has provided instead. Make no mistake, aside from the blood of Jesus, there is only death and destruction. God is infinitely merciful, but has provided only one vehicle through which that mercy is delivered.
Jesus saved us from more than simply an unpleasant future. He saved us from eternal destruction. God's perspective is always on the eternal. Even when He meets the simplest and most basic needs for our earthly life, it is to point us toward Him for our most critical and eternal need.
Jesus' work of salvation also means followers of God are no longer tasked with eliminating those who have turned away. Instead, we are commissioned by Jesus to share the good news that we are no longer dependent on perfectly keeping the law for our salvation. Jesus has done everything necessary for our salvation. There is nothing we have done that makes Him love us any less and nothing we can do to make Him love us any more.
But the reason that Jesus is so precious to us is because of what He has spared us from and what He has provided instead. Make no mistake, aside from the blood of Jesus, there is only death and destruction. God is infinitely merciful, but has provided only one vehicle through which that mercy is delivered.
Jesus saved us from more than simply an unpleasant future. He saved us from eternal destruction. God's perspective is always on the eternal. Even when He meets the simplest and most basic needs for our earthly life, it is to point us toward Him for our most critical and eternal need.
Jesus' work of salvation also means followers of God are no longer tasked with eliminating those who have turned away. Instead, we are commissioned by Jesus to share the good news that we are no longer dependent on perfectly keeping the law for our salvation. Jesus has done everything necessary for our salvation. There is nothing we have done that makes Him love us any less and nothing we can do to make Him love us any more.